Cory M.
Private tutor in Vista, CA
University of San Diego - BA, Music , National University - Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential, Teacher Education
I'm an experienced substitute teacher and tutor with expertise in a wide array of subjects, most notably music, mathematics, and language arts (specifically English and Spanish). I've worked with students of all ages, including adults, in both private and institutional settings at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Though my academic interests are wide-ranging, I've been passionate about music since childhood, and I revel in the opportunity to share my enthusiasm with others via teaching. In 2002, I received my B.A. from the University of San Diego in Music. I also received a Multiple Subjects Credential from National University in 2011, and am working toward a Single Subject Credential in Spanish and a BCLAD certification, in the hopes of creating a dual immersion classroom in Spanish and English. As an educator, I find it important to focus on active learning, where entertainment and engagement are integral to the teaching process. I firmly believe that education is for all, and helps to build a better world. My personal interests are as varied as my teaching expertise. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, learning about other cultures and languages, making and listening to music, seeing films, and watching baseball. For fun, I also like doing impersonations.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
25 miles at my regular hourly rate
Music, Movies, Travel, Foreign Language, Baseball, Skiing, Exercise, Spending Time with Friends, Reading
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